Youth Ministry: Ave Maria Parish - Junior High & High School

Three interdependent and equally important goals guide the Church's ministry with adolescents. These goals state what it means for the Catholic community to respond to the needs of young people and to involve young people in sharing their unique gifts with the larger community. They express the Church's focus for ministry with adolescents, while encouraging local creativity in developing the programs, activities, and strategies to reach these goals.

  • Goal 1: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today
  • Goal 2: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
  • Goal 3: To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. Taken from USCCB directives for Youth Ministry

Youth Group of Ave Maria Parish, 2023-2024

We are beginning the new year for Youth Faith Formation in September.  This year we hope to explore in depth the Catechism of the Catholic Church as laid out in the YOUCAT.  We hope that all the junior high and high school students of our parish will join us.  It is important to understand your faith so that you can truly OWN it to live it well.  You are the future of the Church and your baptism has made you a disciple of Christ.  Come join us, to pray together, to learn together and to have some exciting activities together.

We will also be attending the March for Life in Washington DC this upcoming January, 2024.  Please attend Youth Group for more information on what you need to do to prepare, if you wish to attend.

Sister Mary Philomena, SMDG

Sister Maria Gabrielle, SMDG